We arrived home on a red eye from Mexico City early Thursday morning and had about seven hours of electricty before trees started to topple onto hydro lines and you know what happens after that. It was a severe ice storm and some people in our area are still without power. Ours came back on late Saturday night. Because we live in the country with a well and electric pump to bring water into the house, we didn't have running water. The wood stove gave enough heat. Camping lights and headlights worked too. We were at sixes and sevens though having just arrived home.

I have some amazing shots of Diego Rivera's murals to share with you as soon as our home is in order. Mexico is full of surprises and wonderful people who struggle just as we do. However, they have more to struggle about than we do. That was a lesson for me yet again. We have so much and yet sometimes we expect more than life can give us.
See you again very soon!
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