Many of the condominiums along the beach are bullt on stilts with open parking garages at sea level. So when a storm surge comes, only the cars will go if the supporting structure is sound. But there are also buildings with living arrangements on the ground floor and still quite a few bungalows. The building we are in has enclosed parking at sea level. We are close to the beach.
This sign wasn't here two years ago. Bob said, "I wonder how many Canadians would purchase here if they saw a photo of this warning in Globe and Mail?" We look around as we are walking and imagine the affects of a surge.
A ridge created by strong waves. Every seven years the federal and the Florida state and municipal governments fund a beach restoration from Clearwater to North Reddington Beach. Sand is brought in from out in the gulf and spread out on the beach.
sea sponge
nature's art -- a landscape
We walk along the beach for at least an hour every day, cycle for and hour or two and I have yoga and Pilates sessions twice a week. I'm taking Ibuprofen for the pain. If we were here longer life would be a breeze in another week or so.
Yoga Tree Pose
And they don't get tossed over in the waves.
Bob is almost back to normal now.
Still trying to upload videos to Blogger. See you soon. Yesterday it felt like only 60 F in the morning.
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